Does Silicone Roof Coating Stop Leaks?

A leaking roof is a nightmare to handle. This is why we often call in the experts. Commercial roofers in Indianapolis know how to handle the situation and provide the best care to ensure your property stays dry. However, it’s important to educate yourself on the materials used for the job, like silicone, so you understand how they protect your property. 

Can a silicone roof coating stop leaks? We’ll go over this and more.

The Short Answer 

Yes, silicone roof coating has the ability to stop leaks. Experts in commercial roofing Indianapolis share that this coating proves to be one of the most popular for homeowners and business owners looking to keep their property safe from water damage. 

Benefits of Silicone Roof Coating

Silicone is a favorite among commercial roofing contractors in Indianapolis due to its cost-effectiveness and durability. It doesn’t rust over time and reflects UV rays away from the structure, protecting your property from harmful sun damage. In addition to these attractive features, silicone is more eco-friendly and coats the existing roofing material, reducing the amount of waste in the environment as a result.

Standing water won’t damage the silicone, as the material can withstand the weight and keep water from permeating the structure. The sealant creates a watertight seal when applied properly.

The Importance of Calling in the Experts

When it comes to metal roofing, things can get a little tricky. Unlike traditional roofing structures where the coating can be easily applied to the roof, you’ll have to double-check which sealant you use. Certain types of sealant will react poorly with the metal and cause more harm than good, resulting in expensive removal processes and potentially a total roof replacement.

Before applying silicone sealant to your business’ metal roof, Indianapolis contractors should be consulted for the best practices. Certain brands and materials should be avoided to prevent a corrosive reaction that will cost a small fortune to repair or replace. 

If you notice your roof leaking before your warranty expires, check with a reliable contractor to see what they can cover and how they can repair the roof. A full replacement is rarely necessary when you spot a few leaks. The benefit of a silicone roof coating is that you spare the expense of installing a completely new roof, making minor adjustments to the current one instead.

This not only saves you money, but you can extend the lifespan of your roof when you apply a waterproof coating to the exterior. Consider all of your options before deciding so that you can reduce the amount of work you put in to complete the project.

Final Thoughts

Silicone roof coating is a great waterproofing option that will spare you the expense of repairing water damage. It’s more cost-effective and environmentally friendly than other materials used in the industry, and it can withstand harsh weather as well. 

The sealant works on metal roofs, although you should consult a professional before applying any coatings to ensure you won’t corrode the structure. Get in touch with the experts to avoid costly roof repair in Indianapolis today!