How Long Does Acrylic Roof Coating Last?

Acrylic coatings extend the lifespan of metal roofs. Commercial roofers in Indianapolis recommend that you refresh your coating regularly to keep your roof looking beautiful while protecting you against the elements.

Here’s how long an acrylic coating typically lasts and when you should contact commercial roofing contractors in Indianapolis for a re-coating.

About Acrylic and Elastomeric Roof Coatings

Acrylic is a resin used to seal and protect Indianapolis metal roofing from corrosion. It’s often applied as an elastomeric coating – a type of acrylic that is very thick and offers long-lasting protection.

While metal roofs are extremely durable and can last for decades, you’ll need maintenance and roof repair in Indianapolis, just like with any other material. This includes applying new layers of acrylic to a well-maintained system now and then to prevent leaks, improve the system’s insulation, and keep it looking gorgeous.

When Should a Metal Roof in Indianapolis be Re-Coated?

Commercial roofers in Indianapolis recommend that you get a new layer of acrylic applied every 10-20 years. There’s no hard-and-fast date for an update – it depends on what the system has been exposed to in that time and how well the original coating was applied. It’s worth ensuring you work with a company specializing in the coating side of commercial roofing in Indianapolis to ensure you get the best, longest-lasting application.

This should be performed in conjunction with regular roof repair in Indianapolis. If a roof has suffered significant rust damage, it’s probably a better idea to replace it than re-coat it. This is why regular maintenance is so important – applying a new layer of acrylic is quite affordable, whereas replacing an entire system is very expensive.

Best Acrylic Coating for Indianapolis Metal Roofing

Commercial roofers in Indianapolis might offer a 10-year or 20-year warranty with a product. If the 10-year warranty is offered, you can expect a thickness of 20 mils. This offers great protection but should be refreshed every 10 years or so – it’s a good idea to seek out trustworthy commercial roofing contractors in Indianapolis before the warranty expires and not leave anything to chance.

A 20-year warranty will come with a coating thickness of 30 mils. This offers superb protection and insulation for your property and is often recommended for residential customers.

When to Apply Acrylic Coating to a Metal Roof in Indianapolis

For all types of commercial roofing in Indianapolis, the best policy is to schedule regular inspections. Warranties are there to protect you from having to fork out if your roof doesn’t stand the test of time – make use of them! Arrange inspections from trusted commercial roofers in Indianapolis to ensure that your roof protects your home properly and schedule a re-coating before significant damage occurs.

Final Thoughts

A new coat of acrylic offers greater protection against the elements but also improves the appearance of your home or commercial property. As it enhances insulation, it also drives down your energy bills – booking regular re-coating is the best way to keep your property in top condition.