What is a Liquid-Applied Roof?

Liquid-applied roofing has become one of the most popular solutions for commercial roofing in Indianapolis and across the U.S. Its low cost and ability to improve a building’s lifespan make it extremely popular for retail units, office buildings, and residential properties alike.

Learn all about liquid-applied roofing and how it’s used by commercial roofers in Indianapolis with our guide.

Benefits of a Liquid-Applied Roof

A liquid layer is often applied to an existing structure by spraying it on. For example, Indianapolis metal roofing is often protected by a liquid-applied membrane. Here’s how it benefits properties.

Extended Lifespan

Metal roofing in Indianapolis is popular because it has a naturally long lifespan. However, it’s vulnerable to local climatic conditions such as extreme temperature changes – this can cause the metal to expand and contract, damaging the building’s structure and potentially causing leaks. Furthermore, metal is always vulnerable to rust if it’s not protected and maintained by commercial roofing contractors in Indianapolis.

A liquid-applied layer can significantly extend the lifespan of a roof. If re-applied by commercial roofers in Indianapolis every 10-20 years (depending on the warranty), it can save you paying for a full replacement for decades.


Liquid-applied coatings are very cheap. Compared to the cost of replacing a roof that hasn’t been protected properly, updating a liquid coating every 10 years or so is a great bargain.

Improved Insulation

Liquid-applied coatings dramatically improve a building’s insulation. This makes living or working more pleasant, as it’s easier to control the internal temperature and saves you money on energy bills over the years. It also makes your building more environmentally friendly.

Long Warranties

Warranties for liquid-applied roofs typically run between 10-25 years. Speak to your local commercial roofers in Indianapolis to find out more about which warranty best suits your needs.

Perfect for Commercial Properties

Commercial buildings tend to suit inexpensive, long-lasting systems that require minimal roof repair in Indianapolis. Liquid-applied roofing offers great long-term protection at a very low cost.

Can You Apply a Liquid Membrane to a Metal Roof in Indianapolis?

Commercial roofers in Indianapolis recommend that you protect your metal roof with a liquid-applied membrane. This protects against rust and expansion and extends the roof’s lifespan.

It also keeps your property looking gorgeous – metal roofs are extremely attractive, and a coating can keep them in top condition for much longer.

Who Provides Liquid-Applied Roofing Systems?

Coatings should only be applied by licensed professionals, as it’s a highly technical job. Some commercial roofers in Indianapolis specialize in this type of service – it’s worth hiring the best to give your metal roof in Indianapolis the best protection.

Final Thoughts

Liquid-applied roofing is popular for a good reason. It’s an affordable, accessible way to protect your Indianapolis metal roofing system, which in turn keeps your family or business safe from the elements. It reduces the need for roof repair in Indianapolis and reduces your energy bills.

Speak to your local commercial roofing contractors in Indianapolis to learn more.